Archive Search

  • FLUflux -
    ... in the total numbers of passenger traveling between...
  • ... they symbolize time passing by. This animation was...
  • for pina
    ... great choreographer who passed away on 30th June 2009 at...
  • GaribaldiMap -
    ... often unnoticed by passersby. Every time I find a new...
  • Grassroll -
    ... in Amsterdam where passers by could play with it and...
  • Greenhouse -
    ... from the public space on Facebook, and pull out open...
  • HAZE Express - video
    ... and watching landscapes passing by through the window of...
  • Heliotrope -
    ... of the mystical and passionate filtered through a...
  • Homes
    ... a small theatre, and the passers-by are the public. The...
  • ... wird gezeigt, was passiert, wenn der Körper als...