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  • ... French). “Where are you from?_Stories” is an interactive and participatory work that deploys itself in both physical and virtual space (engaging Latin American sites and subjects, and the internet) in order to expose tensions between diverse places as sites...
  • ...Interactive acoustic sculpture and video Physical and virtual installation Act 14 of the "Mécanique des émotions" Still Moving is an experimental installation consisting of an interactive acoustic sculpture and a realtime video projection. The giant sculpture is...
  • Plasm: Not a Crime -
    ... you can check the signature on all the pieces and only use the ones that match. We have visualized this process using the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML); VRML allows us to display the swirling chaff as well as the reconstructed images fluidly,...
  • ... snakes' habits and behaviors makes INSN(H)AK(R)ES to be very important for environmental education. The site allows the "virtual approach and makes people responsible for certain aspects of the snakes' well-being, such as offering them water and food" and...
  • ... The first topics covered were: cyberpunk (both as a literally and political movement), electronic music, networks and BBS, virtual reality, media, science fiction and UFO. The magazine’s mission was to be a magazine of ideas, becoming a node in a larger...
  • ... Fourier transform and filter banks. In enactive soundscapes and data visualization, we use our affective enactive system in Virtual Reality and the simulation of human proximity using our physiological sensors for enactions and the immersion in data...
  • My Black Cat -
    ... of the installation soon counter this impression and reveal the black cat to be an ungraspable phantom whose presence is virtual, and easily disturbed by the interaction that the installation appears to invite. A net which is mounted below the ceiling...
  • GENMA - video
    ... life and genetic programming are implemented in those forms or "creatures", allowing the visitor to manipulate their virtual genes in real time. Looking into a mirrored glass box the visitor sees those creatures as stereo projections in front of...
  • Autoinducer_Ph-1 -
    ... and intelligence using cellular systems, is the artificial intelligence model powering the synthetic bacteria. A complete virtual environment exists within GCS where individual cells act independently and communicate with other cells in either a neural...
  • ... been available before: staying in touch with past and present friends and acquaintances in a single, potentially infinite, virtual space. The phenomenon challenges us psychologically, creating situations that previously were not possible. Before the ris e...