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  • ... social platforms, mobile technologies and mhealth process learning experiences in the physical world and in the digital environment, in collaborations and reciprocity, by using technological common network protocols. ...
  • T-wo.gen
    ... differing states of matter, media elements can be decontexualized to varying degrees. Many different forms of analogue and digital media can be carriers of abstractions of the initial meaning forces that can be encountered and explored through interaction...
  • ... flows. Architektúra elektronick_ch tokov. The architecture of optical flows. Architektúra optick_ch tokov. The architecture of digital flows. Architektúra digitálnych tokov. The architecture of manufactured nano-flows. Architektúra fabrikovan_ch nanotokov. The...
  • ... Art & Science Fellowship at GMD and KHM – Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln. Their artistic interest was the invention of a digital work table for the design of three-dimensional objects with the hands, i.e. thinking with the hands, similar to the plastic work...
  • Day of the Figurines -
    ... 2) ‘Pervasive games aim to directly exploit the richness of the physical world as a resource for play by interweaving digital media with our everyday experience. Sensors capture information about a player’s current context, including their location,...
  • Mediaflow - video
    ... rearrangement, thus initiating a dialogue between viewer and content. This method explicitly allows for mind games, and so the digital archive becomes a space for thought movement. (…) “The work of Fleischmann and Strauss thus enriches the discourse around...
  • Spectropia -
    ... be created for home interaction using a combination of DVD and internet delivery. Spectropia, an interactive movie shot on digital video, is a time travel drama set in the future and in NYC 1931 after the stock market crash. It uses the metaphor of...
  • ... played a vital role in human history, whether as the organ of vision or as a pivotal cultural symbol in the arts of all ages. In digital and new media art in particular, it becomes a “third eye”, that is, the camera that translates electromagnetic stimuli into...
  • The Library -
    ... its' architectural and cultural significance. This presented challenging conceptual and technical obstacles. Numerous Digital Library initiatives have largely neglected the humanities and 'soft' sciences. However, 3D represents an...
  • FACT Centre -
    ... roofscape and illuminating the tight streets in the immediate vicinity. In some ways the final appearance is like a set of digital flags ranged across the front of the building, but is also a small nod to the neon lit cinema design of the 1930’s. The...