Archive Search

  • Creation Myth -
    ... of a new environment utilizing unique fractal and particle system...
  • Musique Non Stop -
    ... work is acknowledged for its unique aesthetic from both fine art...
  • ... was designed with a unique implied "suggestion"...
  • Lorna - video
    ... buttons on their remote control unit that corresponded to numbers...
  • Time and Time again -
    ... chosen for a certain layer is uniformly distributed. At one end of...
  • the beehive -
    ... The Little Magazine, S.U.N.Y., University of Albany, New York 1999.
  • Move 36
    ... for the work, that uses the universal computer code (called ASCII)...
  • The Living Image -
    ... sound and video create a unique immersive experience. (source:...
  • ... information flow out of small units
  • Sakrileg -
    ... a powerful motor, the control unit tries to keep the ball up and...