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  • Metabodies
    This project investigates the unexpected diversity to be found on the human ecosystem and its 'social network'; this, by focusing on the language of billions of bacteria, which populate it. Sonja Bäumel tested two subjects each of them left hand
  • Installation using real-time computer simulation. When you depict the movement of parts of the human body in a time/value co-ordinate system, you get various wave forms; in the case of repetitive movement, sine waves. During movement, most parts of
  • Homes
    “Homes” is an interactive installation, which shows the exact, detailed virtual copy of the interior of three Tai O fishermen's family houses. The visitor can walk through, look around, and examine details of the interiors by using a simple computer
  • After finishing the computer animation version of "The Forest", Waliczky began to work on the second, interactive variant of "The Forest", in collaboration with Jeffrey Shaw and Sebastian Egner. Here, the animation becomes part of an interactive
  • "Conversation" is an interactive multimedia show. As I am free to alter succession, lenght and speed of the animated sequences by exploiting the interactive possibilities of the computer, and as Tibor Szemzõ is also free to vary the musical motifs
  • sonja bäumel in collaboration with maurizio montalti (Officina Corpuscoli) mirko daneluzzo & tommaso casucci (Co-de-iT) Waag Society's Open Wetlab WASP self-initiated WORKSHOP AT THE WAAG SOCIETY AMSTERDAM Interactions between Biological and Digital
  • Fluides is an organic and reactive artwork where a sensitive water gathers energy from spectators’ hands. This water is a unifying thread which conducts bodies’ energies in the center of the installation through infinite sonorous and luminous fluids
  • The interactive artwork " Ecorces" invites to virtually hollow out memories and layers inside the flesh of wood. The notion of "écorces" (barks) refers to the skin of the tree as well as to the skin of the human body, as a surface of appearance, at
  • Matières sensibles (Sensitive matters) is a serie of sculptures made of very thin and delicate wood veneer sheets. Here the artists use ash wood. These sheets of wood have distinct sonorous touch zones that follow the natural veins of wood. The
  • Interactive online news channel "Be the first to know - watch" « TV» shows you the latest world news about the subjects you choose. By putting in keywords with a special remote control or by SMS you can determine which subjects