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  • Recollections I-IV -
    Recollections IV is an interactive video installation that invites the participant to move in front of a large video projection screen. As the person moves, his or her image is recorded by a video camera and passed on to a computer with special
  • Could this be the future of cinema? ''The Paradise Institute,'' by Janet Cardiff and George Bures Miller, is an almost scarily captivating 13-minute multimedia experience. But the artists' mind-boggling interweaving of
  • Do-Undo -
    Do-Undo allows a participant to do perform movements in a spaceand immediately see the movements forwards and backwards. User Experience: The participant stands in a space in front of a camera and video projection system. On the screen
  • The Living Room -
    Gallery based distributed interactive digital video projection environment Multiple rooms, each approximately 12 x 10 x 6 metres 4 large scale projections, black and white and colour, multi-channel interactive sound Produced by The Film and
  • Blast -
    From its beginning in 1990, Blast has set out to explore contemporary texts and images and their accompanying practices of reading, viewing, and authoring. Blast has conducted these explorations in terms of a publication, investigating the changing
  • Frames -
    Grahame Weinbren's Frames is an interactive, three-screen projection work, using infra-red sensor arrays to detect user input, combined with randomly accessible video under computer control. It was commissioned by the NTT InterCommunications
  • Heaven -
    An interactive digital video projection environment 1 interactive video projection, colour, silent 12 x 12 x 18 metres This video projection was done onto the ceiling of the Dominakanerkirch (Dominican Cathedral) in Osnabruck, 18 metres above
  • Solitary -
    An interactive digital video projection installation 1 interactive video projection, black and white, silent 8 x 12 x 6 metres The piece is based on the texts of the late Roman philosopher Boethius, and deals with the fluid and ultimately
  • Homefront -
    ... is exteriorized. New fortifications arise. (source:...
  • On sight -
    An interactive digital video projection installation 1 large scale projection, colour, silent 10 x 12 x 6 metres The position of the viewer in front of the image controls the activity of the various objects on the screen. At the bottom of the