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  • Pulse Spiral - video
    "Pulse Spiral" is a three-dimensional spiral paraboloid made up of 400 lightbulbs arranged according to Fermat's equations, --an efficient spatial distribution along a surface which is found in plant phyllotaxis (arrangement of leaves and cells in
  • The Artvertiser -
    The Artvertiser is an urban, hand-held Augmented Reality Improved Reality project that re-purposes street advertisements as a surface for exhibiting art. The project was initiated by Julian Oliver in February 2008 and is being developed in
  • Surface Tension -
    Surface Tension is an interactive installation where an image of a giant human eye follows the observer with orwellian precision. This work was inspired by a reading of Georges Bataille’s text The Solar Anus during the first Gulf War –the first
  • 400s -
    henrik menné 400s, 2010 Stearin, iron, wood, various electronics Supported by: The Danish Arts Council Committee for Visual Arts Courtesy: Galleri Tom Christoffersen, Copenhague this machine-sculpture is specially made for the exhibition and
  • from bitforms gallery PRO 1 year ago / Creative Commons License: by not yet rated "Voice Array," 2011 Subsculpture 13 intercom, 576 white LED lights, holosonic speaker, custom-made hardware and software display dimensions variable "Voice
  • "Seismoscope 2: Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Ghazali", 2009 Persian (1058-1111), author of "The Incoherence of Philosophers" 16.1" x 17.7" x 6.7" / 41 x 45 x 17 cm, XY Plotter 45.2" x 16.1" x 17.7" / 115 x 41 x 45 cm podium 11" x 17" / 28
  • max mip tex -
    chad and I were playing around with running some of our half-life levels on a Hercules card [KyroII chipset] using the wrong drivers [Nvidia Geforce 2] . we suspected this might lead to something interesting, as they have very different ways of
  • Trapped rocket -
    Trapped Rocket futility and expectation in a Euclidean universe, 2006, 2008 Trapped Rocket is a 4.9Mb software involving a simple simulation of a guided missile, trapped between 3 pairs of opposing views (a cube) while trying to reach its
  • Park View Hotel -
    Park View Hotel stretches between the Cesar Chavez plaza in downtown San Jose and the neighbouring Fairmont Hotel. Using specially-built pointing devices, audiences in the park can access interior hotel spaces, by "pinging" them optically. Once
  • Shrink -
    Two large, transparent plastic sheets and a device that gradually sucks the air out from between them leave the body (in this case the artist himself) vacuum-packed and vertically suspended. The transparent tube inserted between the two surfaces