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  • THE MEDUSA PROJECT (AUTOBIOGRAPHY) refers to the relationship between women and power as depicted in both ancient mythology, and in postmodern culture. It represents my attempt to directly merge personal history and influences into the production of
  • The Distorted Barbie -
    "The distorted Barbie" is a web-art installation that displayed digitally altered images of Barbie dolls in order to comment on Barbie as a cultural/commercial symbol and pop-icon. He published his original Distorted Barbie both on his own site at
  • Mori
    Sound-Installation "Mori" is an Internet-based earthwork that engages the earth as a living medium. In this installation, minute movements of the Hayward Fault in California are detected by a seismograph, converted to digital signals, and
  • Symbolizing a nation in decay and ruin, where media is all that is left of the corporeal remains of America. Where Empire runs its course. (source:
  • PLACEHOLDER was a virtual environment project designed by Brenda Laurel and Rachel Strickland and produced by Brenda Laurel. Placeholder was a two-person fully interactive virtual-reality system, utilizing stereoscopic head-mounted displays,
  • House Fire
    Cardiff and Miller have been working collaboratively and individually for two decades. Together the pair achieved international renown with their collaborative works The Dark Pool (1995/96) and Muriel Lake Incident (1999). House Fire is a four and
  • Live audio-visual transformation and dematerialization of the viewer. [prototype] (source:
  • As Falling Falls -
    As Falling Falls is a double interactive video projection using high resolution video projectors and two computers with a remote visual sensing system for viewer interaction. On each screen is visible a number of dancers of the Stephen Petronio
  • The Castle -
    The Castle is a large scale interactive video projection designed for specific architectural sites. The title makes reference to Kafka's novel of the same name, the work taking as its subject the incomprehensible character of systems of
  • Janet Cardiff & George Bures Miller developed in "The Muriel Lake Incident" (1999) a miniature movie theater, in which a maximum of 3 person can have a look inside. The image and sound illussion is made perfect and has the effect that the viewer