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  • Beijing Accelerator -
    ... of time however, a new rotating-panorama appears with a higher preset speed. This is determined as the next level and is more...
    ... thinking, media artist Elke Reinhuber explores how to present a narrative in a multi-linear manner by fragmenting and...
  • ... images in your peripheral field of vision. Images that present you with the feeling you're moving, or that the world is...
  • ... the dynamics of the imagery, the result has an unusual spatial presence and intriguing plasticity. Source: Marnix de Nijs
  • Harewood -
    ... rate of a pixel a second so that a whole image represents the previous 21.33 hours. Each image is collected from top to bottom and...
  • ... in 1963. This seminal broadcast includes an interview with then President John F Kennedy and marks a turning point in Cronkite’s...
  • Tower
    ... The initial corpus can be formed from any source. For its premiere exhibition as part of Poetry Beyond Text the corpus was...
  • Polymorph
    ... complex three dimensional agent is created through the presence and interaction of two or more interactors within the...
  • ... and carpet from the living room, Christmas decorations, presents, and letters from family members. The annual ritual of the...
  • ... based on gravity and weightlessness, examines cloud cores and presents a gravimetric documentation of an unusual experiment. The...