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  • ... ‘pakhuis’ warehouse, but if you crash into one of the pillars, for example, then you will be cast abruptly backwards in the game and...
    ... in a multi-linear manner by fragmenting and dissecting it for the audience. Venomenon was shot in stereo 3D, completely on...
  • Continuum
    ... of a layer is a function of time. Recent events are to the fore whilst older events are rendered further away, smaller and...
  • Tower
    ... accumulated and added to the corpus. The initial corpus can be formed from any source. For its premiere exhibition as part of Poetry...
  • Punishment 1 -
    ... deep gorges, the sea, and mountain lakes. These are large- format, classical motifs of nature, in which one sees a lone person...
  • ... and psychological effects of a rotating system in which the force of gravitation is distorted by centrifugal force. The objects on...
  • ... are visible, essentially all that one sees is plastic in the form of an acrylic coat of paint. These two painting processes are...
  • ... a mountain-like skin. It is with the congealed heaviness and force of lava that this mass of water flows through the image. The...
  • ...An old wooden boat is suspended from a metal frame like a swing, moving forward and backward in an unnaturally slow and almost imperceptible...
  • Clockwork -
    ... in a circle in the center of a large rectangular space. They form an “erosion machine” designed to accelerate the decay of Vienna....