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  • The audience is elevated and observes the stage from a low angle, as in an anatomical theater where humans are enveloped by a swarm of inorganic beings. Graphical entities with their own behavioral code. A show for two dancers and digital particles,
  • Collection: Museum of Modern Art, New York. Csuri continued with this experimentation on other drawings, including one of a hummingbird in flight. Csuri produced over 14,000 frames, which exploded the bird, scattered it about, and reconstructed it.
  • Birds in the Hat (1968), presents an iconic example of an early plotter drawing, a printing technique that allowed for an ink pen to be guided by digital input. Executed using an IBM 7094 computer and a drum plotter, this work mathematically
  • Inland Wonderland -
    Our universe obeys to the logic of four interactions - gravitational, electromagnetic, strong, weak - affecting it (not counting the Higgs field). Chaos on the other hand is only produced by human activity and our heads are the omnipotent producers
  • MicroCosm -
    A journey into the cosmos, into open endless space, has always attracted scientists and dreamers. Gigantic stars, the milky way, galaxies thousands of light years away surround the earth, and we humans can be imagined as small elementary particles
  • Twin Depths -
    Video Installation. A series of perfomances 'An attempt to return back to native element'. The installation consists seven screens with loop playing seven movies. It is based on a series of performances 'An attempt to return back to native element'
  • 14#BIS -
    Expanded interactions and mixed landscape generate the 14#bis biocybrid system, to celebrate the 50th birthay of Brasilia. In a public event, by exploring mobile and locative interface in mixed reality, we put in the sky of the Brazilian capital,
  • Solid Landscapes -
    In the video "Solid Landscapes", the artist “spells out” the never-ending growth of usable and productive (anti-)landscapes by reproducing and multiplying evidence of a dramatic change that is occurring in an incremental manner around the world. It
  • Living Tattoos -
    Throughout human history, people have added to their bodies iconic shapes in a way to look for identity transcendence: from flowers, dragons, snakes and butterflies, to angels and other religious figures. The Living Tattoos project is centered in a
  • INS(H)NAK(R)ES is an interactive system that uses robotics, sensoring and communication networks. It proposes to share the body of a robot snake put in a serpentarium with other snakes. A web camera is coupled to the robot transmitting in real time