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  • framework f5x5x5 -
    ... indicating its actual presentation format in terms of its ‘frame’...
  • Internetscapes -
    Internetscapes series of Electronic Drawings initially developed as project pages for "Untitled". Web2 Krisenstab (Web2 Crisis Staff) Internetbauanleitung (Internet Construction Manual) Netzitadelle (Internet Citadel) Internetscape
  • After Microsoft -
    ... He always carried his medium format camera. It was hard even to...
  • ... basic yet seemingly natural forms of artificially intelligent...
  • The Port -
    ... that 3D modelled social platforms, such as Second Life, establish a...
  • ... a network of transparent information highways that are connected to...
  • White Cube -
    ... constitute permanent forms that lead them to lasting...
  • ... que leur égoïsme assumé est une forme de générosité indirecte et qu’une...
  • ... aucun objet quelle qu’en soit la forme, la cause ou l’effet pour peu qu’il...
  • The Art Collider -
    ... developing a technological platform The technological platform is...