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  • ..., sans aucune texture. Les cinq « mondes » ont ainsi été construits avec un ensemble de 250 images tridimensionnelles. La société Videosystem (Nicolas Boutherin, Hervé Tardiff) a optimisé cette base de données pour en permettre la gestion en temps réel et a paramétré...
  • Autoinducer_Ph-1 -
    ... software-based bacteria that interacts with them in its assumed roles of part time symbiont and part time parasite. Video projections which display evolution of the GCS graphic environment, and highly magnified video of Anabaena cultured under a...
  • ... Michael Mackenzie. It is an immersive interactive narrative piece. It combines interactive computer graphics, laser disk video and slides with interactive sound which takes approximately forty minutes to experience. As a viewer you navigate the...
  • ... der diesjährigen documenta. Literatur: 3sat Video: Nalini Malani, In Search of Vanished Blood, 2012, at Documenta 13 from 16 Miles of String on...
  • ... or place, using a digital interface. About the chosen place, the Internet is searched in real time for latest text, image, video and sound informations. Four projectors and eight audio speakers project the results into the space. Visitors are able to walk...
  • ... an overview of the building itself, and all the departments and facilities distributed over its nine floors. A prerecorded video from the point of view of a person climbing the stairs between the nine floors of the CMC could be played back on the CMC...
  • ... Mexico City, New York, Paris, São Paulo, Shanghai and Tokyo. The work series comprises of eight hybrid-photographies, one video work and one image sculpture."
  • ... conjoined with the time based events that have been staged there. On the platform there is a column with an underwater video camera. This device is the interactive user interface, its buttons and handling allow the viewer to control his movement...
  • ... Laurent making artworks 16:30 Christa checking news, research work, Laurent programming the virus movements for the video 19:00 dinner 19:30 both watching news 20:00 Christa organizing, researching & reading, Laurent editing and finalizing the movie...
  • Interfaces -
    ... between two people -- bringing the improvised and spontaneous feed-back loop of a personal conversation to the realm of video. This "visual conversation" explored the characteristic top-to-bottom, vertical rendering of slow-scan TV (SSTV), to produce...