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  • Text Rain
    Text Rain is an interactive installation designed to blur the boundaries between physical and virtual space. Viewers play with falling text which responds to their motion. The text may be caught, lifted and released to fall again. If participants
  • ... signals from biological systems translating them into computing paradigms. Neural Networks as an artificial braim, receive...
  • ... appears and disappears on the wall. Just like memories which come and go. And one bowl with blood moving in the middle of the room...
  • CAGEBIM is an installation where the visitor interacts. The visitor enters in the room and can read a John Cage's affirmation: " I am always interested in listening to. I am always less interested on the fixed relation between the parts. I am
  • ... sensory experience) changes into its digital (dismantled and computed) text base. A camera, which is integrated in the projection...
  • ... camera circuit travel generates videolaparoscopies of viscera, coming from a surgery, that are projected on five large screens,...
  • ... image appears and disappears on the wall like memories do that come and go. And a bowl of blood moving in the center of the room is...
  • Grove
    ... statical and the movement, life and death. The installation comments the existence of the images between the real and the natural...
  • Residues - video
    "Residues" is a multimedia installation which mixes materials and supports as large photographies, pigments, water, oil reflexion, electronic screens which are present in the same space with the electronic images. The screens show post-production
  • Paragens
    Paragens is a video installation with three environments: Clareira, Eye and Wall. The room in a dark blue is a like a data space full of electronic images, photographies, projections, reflected images. The visitors by they moving-around can get a