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  • ... (and in this manner we also read the title of... it in various ways, using kinetic objects,...
    ... awareness. If it is not mandatory for intelligent acts to... in a conventional, mimetic way – it is a reflection, a...
  • ... The architecture of manufactured nano-flows.... building up and passing away stavanie a strácanie sa music...
  • After Tomorrow -
    ... system of digital God-manhood taking care of... look in the following way. There is a world where one...
  • parallel -
    ... Arts Council, the Manitoba Arts Council, and the...
  • Zero City -
    ... by emptiness depends on many factors. The message... are programmed the same way and act as a pack carrying...
  • ...A HUMANISED BUTTERFLY NAMED LEDA MELANITIS Yiannis Melanitis physical... in a wide variety of ways, in a wide variety of...
  • ... his fluid, sensual manipulation of sound and... section where I found a way to sinc the image with a...
  • ... in terms of time / pitch manipulation, and exploring the... to creation in the same way whether it be audio or visual...
  • T-wo.gen
    ... in 1999. I have for many years been interested in... of p0es1s, in a related way to how the texts operates...