Archive Search

  • ... Reas with the artificial life-forms of the English couple...
  • Packet Garden -
    ...Packet Garden captures information about how you use the internet and uses this...
  • Stockspace -
    ... code as a way of producing new forms of creative expression. ...
  • Opto-Isolator -
    ... and unnerving. Among other forms of feedback, Opto-Isolator looks...
  • I Wanted to See All of the News From Today provides an immersive experience by amassing the front page of hundreds of newspapers from around the world and displaying these images within the screen space of a single webpage. Continuously gathering
  • Satellite Contact -
    ... Surprising patterns and forms, ranging from the Mondrianesque...
  • ... could be redeployed in public forms. The project builds out from the...
  • Reconnoitre -
    ... with the coherent display of information as with representing browsing...
  • etoy -
    1994-1999 etoy.CORPORATION 1999-2005 etoy.holding etoy was the first streetgang on the internet, a glamourous boygroup consisting of designers, architects, popstars, marketing agents and systems engineers/coders with a strong corporate identity
  • A beautifully crafted set of four tea towels sporting a series of authentic search engine results returned to a user when the criteria, 'Please Help Me', 'Is Anybody there?', 'Please listen to me' and, 'Can you hear me?' were entered into the search