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  • ... one after another, the data was distributed over the tens of...
  • ...Minitel used a half-duplex asymmetric data transmission through a modem.
  • ... the role such technologies can play in fostering the invention of... public way the rewards of acknowledging, cultivating, and... searchable text and pictorial databases "Community Memory(s)"; 3) The...
  • ... of still frames, audio, and data were collected. The playback...
  • ... cylindrical screen so one can see on both sides. The result is a... during filming, then use the data to control the movement of the...
  • ... person is emitting brainwave data via the x-axis, the other via the...
  • ... a sketch for the performance. Shown at the tv-show "Club 2" on ORF at... runs out of my arm into a glas canvas, which covers the whole...
  • Grass - video
    ... Carlson, Historical Significance In 1969, the National Science... interpolation, path following, data smoothing, shading and light...
  • Waterquake
    ... of tubing were dropped into a canal and then slowly inflated with air...
  • Smokescreen -
    ...In Smokescreen a row of smoke canisters along the whole front side of the Swansea...