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  • ...REAL VIRTUALITYArtist: Tomas RullerComment:
  • ... behavior and the sugar tweaked cognition that results. Kenneth E. Rinaldo waist cycle while offering mouth and eye candy to help the participant question the impact of their addictive consumerist behavior...
  • ... effect our behavior and focus on rapid-fire cuts, frenetic dark/light patterning and sequences of rhythmic-complementary...
  • Watchers
    ... producers can effect our behavior with rapid-fire cuts, frenetic dark light patterning and sequences of complementary colors. Paul...
  • ... being carried to the center of the web to be consumed. Kenneth E. Rinaldo Spider Haus is a transpecies communication artwork constructed of stereo lithography plastic and a common house spider (Theridiidae) in the...
  • ... communication. These could best be termed as “biocybernetic” sculptures that allow Siamese Fighting fish to use intelligent... with the work simply by entering the environment. In past artworks I have found that the Siamese fighting fish move toward...
  • Digital Imaging -
    Digital Imaging by Ken Rinaldo My digital imaging works are abstract constructions that consist of scans of original items composited in Photoshop and textures and line brought in with Adobe Illustrator, Bryce 3D, and FormZ.
  • ... in real time. These "hallucinations" are managed by neural networks which decide mutations of images according to the... we define the "life" of the interactive work Biological and artificial systems dialogue provoking an enigmatic experience of...
  • Migrations -
    A web of relationships through the displacement of the visitor's body in the room space, apprehending the moving figures of the tapes embedded in the columns and the frozen figures of frames from the video "migrações", which are gradually enlarged
  • ... by the cross-over combination can be replicated in other networked machines as a collectif place. The organic simulated... the poetic existence in memescapes, inhabiting within artificial landscapes no longer made of earth, but of memory units....