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    AUDIOVISUAL POEM is a quadrophonic electroacoustic composition which has a fixed structure, but for which nevertheless some events can be changed in real-time, allowing for diverse possibilities through the performance. This changes are not casual
  • RC Robot
    In 1986 Kac worked with radio-controlled telerobotics in the context of the exhibition "Brasil High Tech", realized at the Centro Empresarial Rio, in Rio de Janeiro. Kac used a 7-feet tall anthropomorphic robot (left) as a host who conversed with
  • The biopoem "Erratum I" is what Kac calls a "biotope", that is, a living work that changes in response to internal metabolism and environmental conditions, including temperature, relative humidity, airflow, and light levels in the exhibition space.
  • M I N D CA T H E D R A L V I R T U A L R E A L I T Y Mind Cathedral is a gigantic abstract VR construction, consisting of enormous pillars seemingly thrown on to and over one another, creating a kind of mental vertigo. They are hollow, so if one
  • ZOONE -
    Media environment Shown at Amerlinghaus Vienna (A) in the context of the "Computerkulturtage" When the elephant falls from the tree, the ants die. Zoone- zone, zoo Computer images quickly animate a composition scheme with rhythm changes- Screen 1
  • Greenhouse -
    Greenhouse is a generative data visualization installation. The work is inspired by the problems of Taiwan and is based on the survey and analysis of big data. We gather and compile the big data from over seven hundred thousand fan pages on social
  • Starry, Starry Night -
    In this work, every participant is a star in the heaven. With each other of them, they communicate, create and illuminate, so that they sparkle into a starry, starry night. Starry, Starry Night is about environmental issues, this work is to awake
  • Purification -
    Purification created during artist-in-residence in New Zealand at Unitec, the integration of local Maori myths, symbol and Nu Shu, trying to continue or construct new mysterious characters. The concept comes from both water and water surface,
  • Adsum -
    Adsum is a cubic glass sculpture inside of which letters are laser engraved. The letters are positioned one in front of the other, thus forming a spatial poem inside the solid glass cube that can be read in any direction. 'Adsum' means “I am here”
  • Eduardo Kac has created an artwork aboard the International Space Station (ISS); French astronaut Thomas Pesquet realized it on Saturday, February 18th, 2017. Kac's work, entitled Inner Telescope, was specifically conceived for zero gravity and was