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  • Sprache Sehen -
    ... analogously to a language canon. The 12 sticks generate a text...
  • Virtual Terms -
    ... with one another and/or cancel out their weighting.
  • ... software, with which to learn how to inhabit equalising and caring... other and see with eyes that can shine with many billion suns and... worlds and monoliths of active knowledge. By being a threshold, the...
  • ... China so far and researches her knowledge about the country in...
  • ... what they see with their own knowledge and sentience makes a picture...
  • ... a perceptual tension between knowing where we are but not knowing...
  • ... humans were only wondering how our planet could be saved. The... their repetitive phrases. The canon of good intentions penetrates in... are pictures to perceive, as we know them from the media: cruel,...
  • Perhaps -
    ... may choose from: abloom, blood, canyon, daze, eleventh, fabric, grace,...
  • ... machine. Virtual space of knowledge where visitors trigger, via a...
  • ... The result is shared on a cloud database, collecting each part of...