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  • Tessel -
    ...Tessel is a kinetic installation investigating the perception of sound and space. Its name is derived from 'tessellation', a term applied to the geometric subdivision of a surface into plane units, also known as 'tiling'. It also describes a software technique that...
  • ... imagery using two trackballs to pan left and right and up and down, and buttons to control zooming in and out. The visual space was constituted by a network of interconnected pictorial images that were both conceptually and formally organised in relation...
  • ... the portraits uncannily follow them with their eyes. Badani invests the work with her apprehension of (and about) personal space, privacy and surveillance, and playfully invites participants to ‘make a move’ thereby triggering a game of cause and effect...
  • ... the resources are located Netomatheque displays the information in form of a stream of music, text and images floating through space. The projection changes before the viewer’s eyes forming a living digital wallpaper. Netomatheque was first presented at the...
  • ... a modification of the Egoshooter Unreal, in which the player can move freely in any direction in virtual, three-dimensional space. Architecture, sounds, spoken text and pictures support the immersive effect of this medium. The choice of free flight through...
  • ... a large-scale browser surrounding the user, who can thus experience a panorama of his movements in the virtual information space. Venue: ZKM_PanoramaLab
  • Golden Calf - video
    ... all sides. Thus the monitor functions like a window that reveals a virtual body apparently located physically in the real space. The golden calf has a shiny mirror-like surface in which the viewer sees reflections of the actual venue of the installation....
  • Flack Attack -
    ...Flack Attack is a magazine coming out of The Port, a community-driven space inside the online 3D world Second Life. Flack Attack explores a distributed model for magazine production. The workflow starts with a wiki, a web page allowing for open and continual...
  • Latent State - video
    ... narrative theme in this piece was the realization of death during childhood, explored through memories of the disaster of the space shuttle Challenger occurred in 1986. From the point of view of the resource, I investigated the idea of liminality or...
  • Greenhouse -
    ... birth rate", “Population ageing " has become a hot topic in Taiwan, the behavioral and linguistic information from the public space on Facebook, and pull out open information of Taiwan’s population from the Open Government Data. We use information of posts,...