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  • (co-production with Cactusbloem, Antwerp, and PVC Theatre, Novi Sad)
  • Bike Rack
    Artist designed bike racks commissioned by the city of Santa Monica were installed on Ocean Park Boulevard and Second Street. They are three bright green sculptures in the shape of cartoony trees.
  • In this impressive poster developed by Dick Klavans and Bradford Paley, with the help of Kevin Boyack and ISI data, one can see the variations in how different nations pursue science. The concept is not only ingenious but also takes full advantage
  • This forkbomb is a kind of poetic virus. If its visually attractive line of only thirteen characters is entered into the command line of a Unix system and the enter key is pressed, within seconds the computer will crash because the devious little
  • The Connection Machine was the first commercial computer designed expressly to work on simulating intelligence and life. A massively parallel supercomputer with 65,536 processors, it was the brainchild of Danny Hillis, conceived while he was a
  • Blow Up records, amplifies, and projects human breath into a room-sized field of wind. The installation comprises two devices. The first is a rectangular array of twelve small impellers, which stands on a table on one side of the gallery. This small
  • Drake Street is a street in Rochdale. It is much like many other streets in other towns across Britain. It is also unique. Drake Street is not the main shopping street of Rochdale and is therefore not populated by shops from the major national and
  • Metroscopes -
    Liverpool city has formalised sibling relationships with a number of other cities around the globe. These arrangements respond to similarities of culture, architecture or commerce and provide a sense of perspective, of a commonality that both
  • Virtuelle Mauer/ReConstructing the Wall is a virtual reality (VR) artwork, an interactive 3D computer graphic installation that enables users to experience a section of the Berlin Wall in its former complexity. A digital reconstruction of a
  • Both Eddie Murphy and Mae West were born in Bushwick and went on to nation wide fame as actors. This artwork brings the two actors back to their ‘hood. The format is an hommage to Magritte’s “Golconde.”