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  • Conception et direction artistique du projet Fresque numérique haute définition par Alain Escalle Conception muséographique des dispositifs interactifs Programmes multimedia en collaboration avec Hyptique Mise en musique du cloître
  • En septembre 1995 Les visiteurs du musée d’Art Contemporain de Montréal et ceux du Centre Georges Pompidou à Paris creusaient chacun de leur côté un tunnel virtuel à la rencontre les uns des autres. Deux ans plus tard ce premier maillon d’un tunnel
  • The Quarxs -
    First of all, the QUARXS are characters in a series of twelve computer animated films of three minutes each. Each one presents itself as a program of popularized science: the narrator, a scientist (a researcher in "comparative cryptobiology"), takes
  • A predecessor of Lynn Hershman Leeson's influential “Roberta Breitmore” series, “Self Portrait as Another Person” features a wax cast of the artist's face that was made in 1966. Characteristic of similar pieces created by the artist in this period,
  • A l’image du « Corridoscope » de Buren, où alternent des bandes noires et blanches, le montage exploite une succession régulière de plans très courts. 935 mètres de bande adopte un tempo saccadé qui suit à la lettre celui de la bande son,texte et
  • eavesdrop - video
    Presented in a 360-degree purpose-built cinematic environment, 10 people forever repeat a certain 9 minutes of their lives. Exploring terrain that is at once spiritual, moral, ethical, psychological and physical, this ingeniously crafted artwork is
  • Repsat uses the latest 3D printing technology and it´s conversion from digital files to printed format. Through this conversion we obtain three dimensional models in low relief called litophanies. This litophanies when are retroiluminated works as a
  • Urban Datascape -
    Urban DataScape is an interactive multimedia installation to immerse yourself in the heart of the Parisian climate issues. Designed for the Banks of the Seine, this work inaugurates the launch ArtCOP21, a cultural event on climate change that will
  • FramedMemoryCard responds to an open serie of unique sculptures that becomes a receipt of digital information where the artist “bury” several files under the sculpture structure. It is defined us an information package hard protected with material
  • T_Visionarium, by Neil Brown, Dennis Del Favero, Matt McGinity, Jeffrey Shaw, Peter Weibel, is an experimental new media work that offers the means to capture and re-present televisual information, allowing viewers to explore and actively edit a