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  • Functional Portraits -
    ... not only the physical appearance of the subject, but...
  • ... media. A custom software application continuously monitors...
  • ... sein Publikum jede Menge Apparate und Apparaturen...
  • ... contradiction between capitalism and democracy. They... wanton destruction and appropriation. Whether it was the...
  • ... of the primary capability of the digitization:... with characters appearing in the windows in...
  • Expanded Self -
    ... few days, a living landscape is growing there. It consists... picture. After the application of the invisible...
  • Energy conversion -
    ... certain organisms became capable of transforming energy... state to the appearance of the complex machine...
  • ... media experiments, cutting-edge forms of theatre and...
  • ... And what would be the applications and the implications...
  • Homes
    ... threefold: I want to use cutting-edge computer technology... even if s/he does not appear in the work directly. We...