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  • sentient (being) -
    ... processes or affective states. Bionic limbs, deemed Science Fiction not so long ago, can be manoeuvred via EEG-based technology. The translation of thoughts into the physical world seems to be within reach. So how does an object behave that is being...
  • ... weapons systems, has changed since 100 years ago. But primarily, it points to the fatal effects that new and emerging technologies have on armed conflicts, a side which hardly plays a role in current political or social debates on these technologies'...
  • ... a culture shaped and informed by visibility and transparency. Realised as a filmic sequence, it also points to its material and technical substrate, video, a Latin term which literally means “I see”. And while seeing is a cultural technique that offers myriad...
  • ...Birds in the Hat (1968), presents an iconic example of an early plotter drawing, a printing technique that allowed for an ink pen to be guided by digital input. Executed using an IBM 7094 computer and a drum plotter, this work mathematically transforms a drawing of...
  • ... on the theme of the relationship to time, memory and space. An allegory of the multiple transformations of bodies invaded by technology, where the manifold personalities of augmented dancers disrupt their perception of themselves and their body schema. Find...
  • ... on which text messages of an urban passer-by / actor are manipulated by movements of a dancer outside the tent. Surveillance technologies, GPS from the cellphone and a sensor system, are here diverted and integrated into the narrative of Italo Calvino's...
  • ... by Studio International. This publication was the one of the first collections that dealt with "...the relationships between technology and creativity." Historical Significance In 1967, Csuri began creating animations. Again, the artist used his drawings as...
  • Abandoned
    ...Abandoned artist's studio featuring a technical apparatus in a process of transition in which analog turns into digital. Reflection on mise-en-scène of media, performance, installation and exhibition: recorded and constructed, present and absent, visible and invisible....
  • ... Here, the 360 º fulldome-space brings together heterogeneous forms of presences generated by capture and visualization technologies used for surveillance and control of societies. Find more information about this work under the following links:...
  • Cadence -
    ... noticing the changes that have occurred during different seasons and weather conditions. The term 'direct animation' applies to techniques in which animated imagery is created through physical engagement with film by ‘directly’ marking, or placing small objects...