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  • Haptic Opposition -
    ... state of the machine changes over time and depending on the particular movements. This leads to opposing forces against the user....
  • This immersive audio environment explores how humans react to commands imposed by a machine generating its acoustic stimuli on the basis of tracked body movement. In this environment, different states of human and machine action are understood as a
  • Void (Traffic) -
    Void transforms the internet traffic through KHM' homepage into sounds and images. The installation provides a spectacular experience of data traffic: a direct, real-time visualisation of the code being executed on the transmediale server. The
  • ... of an array of balls, tubes and cubes. By moving the balls, participants can mix their own version of the music.The music is written...
  • Tin Roof is an advanced sound installation about eavesdropping, space, and sound, exhibited in the Muczarnok Budapest, Amsterdam and other places. (
  • ...The Pain machineArtist: Kirschner, Morawe, ReiffComment:
  • ... punching. The project was realised especially for the GameArt Exhibition (source:
  • PainStation -
    PainStation comprises a box structure housing a horizontal screen over which the two players face each other. The software is based on Pong, an early computer game. Players use their right hands to control a bat on screen, and must keep their left
  • Biometric identificationsystems like Irisscanning use mathematical methods to identify personal characteristics. The BiometricSoundEngine works the same way. Personal data like the color information of the human iris is not used for surveillance or
  • sensegenerator -
    Sensegenerator recombines basic blocks of the german language to form sentences with fresh and unexpected meaning. The physical state of person gives clues for the complexity of the new sentence's structure. Words were sampled from arbitrary