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  • 125. Fragment -
    ...A series of portraits by Archimboldo (Seasons, Elements) are digitally interwoven to create a symultaneous montage of their pictorial elements. (A. Hegedüs)
  • ... Imachinations” took place for 100 nights parallel to documenta 11 on the campus of the University Kassel in the form of a digital projection. On the screen of 9 by 11 meters every evening a different image appeared, that a projector received by a special...
  • ... user-generated content and news about places, cultures, people and movements. Visitors can select any city or place, using a digital interface. About the chosen place, the Internet is searched in real time for latest text, image, video and sound...
  • (W)orld Currency -
    ... the average of an index of individual currencies. The formula combines and secures dominant national currencies with new digital and local complementary currencies, preserving autonomy and diversification within universal acceptance. The artwork is...
  • "Touch me"
    ...The work "Touch me" of Alba D'Urbano from 1995 is an interactive digital video installation where a monitor with touch screen, a video camera and a computer are mounted on a platform. The monitor with the touch screen is visible for the visitors at eyelevel and it is...
  • digital scenography and sound maps for theater play