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  • An interactive 4 channel video installation for actors and the audience describes the life of the Missionar Jakob Friedrich Ziegler, who moved in the mid-19th Century from Dagersheim near Stuttgart to Dharwar in Karnataka, India. Chris Ziegler:
  • Mirrors
    MIRRORS Commissioned by Artwise Curators for REGUS HQ, Berkeley Square, London / 2009 ‘Mirrors’ in London’s Bruton Street is rAndom’s first permanent installation in the UK and has been completed in early April 2009. Evolving from the
  • Stolen Life -
    Two concepts have marked 21st century creation, the metaphysical consequence of which is obvious to everyone, despite their apparent differences. The first is the idea that it is the spectator who creates the picture and the second is that the
  • White Cube -
    The spirit of contemporary art Most of the sensible minds have understood, since now long, that there is no reason to produce significant artwork nor explore virgin territories. It is a fundamental fact: it has to « be like contemporary art »…as
  • Out of the dump -
    communiqué Centre des Arts Pour ce dernier volet de la saison, le centre des arts invite l’esprit prolifique de Maurice Benayoun à investir ses espaces ainsi que ceux de la Médiathèque George Sand d’Enghien-les-Bains autour de deux propositions
  • L’exposition à la médiathèque George Sand présente le travail vidéo de Maurice Benayoun - La série Quarxs réalisée entre 1990 et 1993 en collaboration avec le dessinateur de bandes dessinées François Schuiten et l'écrivain Benoît Peeters. une des
  • Sans Armes Citoyens -
    Two years before the turn of the century, a committee chaired by Jean-Jacques Aillagon, at the time director of the Centre Pompidou, was entrusted with the task of defining the ceremonies to celebrate the millennium. Oddly enough, I was invited to
  • The Dump - recyclage d’idées est une sorte de laboratoires d’idées artistiques. Les artistes ont été encouragés à prolonger les concepts d’un autre artiste, à utiliser les concepts entreposés sur le blog de Maurice Benayoun. Au lieu de recettes
  • eMoving Stills -
    La Mécanique des émotionsest un grand récit en œuvres: performances, sculptures, installations, machines... eMoving Stills sont comme un film sous-titré dont les photogrammes ponctueraient les étapes, semant les indices d'interprétation d'une
  • Art Total -
    The relationship between the work and its frame and between art and its spaces for exhibition and legitimisation has been one of the preoccupations of twentieth-century artists. In the multiple conceptual acrobatics which led Klein to exhibit