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  • ...To create this 5-channel video sculpture the artist searched for abstract forms and movements of the human body that trigger powerful...
  • ... of fertility: birth, death, regeneration. In its installation form: A dark passage leads into the underworld. In a low cave, light...
  • Pictures
    ... a family photo album, the work is like a slide show in virtual form: details from the first photograph are enlarged by an imaginary...
  • Sculptures -
    ... dimension we are able to travel in one direction only, namely forward. In the sequences of "Sculptures" I wanted to visually...
  • ... software programs utilized by the NSA to spy on Americans and foreign nationals, residing in America and abroad, are used by an...
  • Duende Diagram -
    ... producing other neural architectures and the possibility for alternative forms of thought.
  • ...SKOR | Foundation for Art and Public Domain Two neon signs are superimposed one upon the other. One in green says "Resistance is Fertile", while...
  • ... only one who has the ability and right to display that work forever in their mind?
  • ... only one who has the ability and right to display that work forever in their mind?
  • Brainwash - video
    ... is part of the world and that world is to a certain extent formed by new technologies. These new technologies, especially as they...