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  • Which one is true? -
    ... is believing" is probably no longer so reliable. Which One is true? is an interactive robotic installation that uses the technology of facial recognition and tracking to interact with the audience. The robotic installation follows and tracks the audience...
  • Cracks to Oases -
    ... modern water pumping and ancient water infrastructure. A sensibility given by the artist attention to the diversity of techniques functioning at different levels of intensity. Cracks become oases might be understood as a catalogue, a compilation that...
  • ... triangular prism. The camera observes images of its kind, while the kaleidoscopic effect inside the prism turns the technical equipment into floral ornaments. Users can interact and influence the flowerlike patterns which are projected through a...
  • Message from A. -
    ...In this personal work, a message received on my answering machine is visualised to be understandable. Due to technical issues (the sender called from an iPod without a microphone input) the message was transferred into keypad signals (2=ABD, 3=DEF,…). I received...
  • ... Here, the 360 º fulldome-space brings together heterogeneous forms of presences generated by capture and visualization technologies used for surveillance and control of societies. Find more information about this work under the following links:...
  • Abandoned
    ...Abandoned artist's studio featuring a technical apparatus in a process of transition in which analog turns into digital. Reflection on mise-en-scène of media, performance, installation and exhibition: recorded and constructed, present and absent, visible and invisible....
  • ... on which text messages of an urban passer-by / actor are manipulated by movements of a dancer outside the tent. Surveillance technologies, GPS from the cellphone and a sensor system, are here diverted and integrated into the narrative of Italo Calvino's...
  • Performers interact with images and sounds and manipulate four mobile projection surfaces, orchestrating a set of changing architectural constructions. Spectators circulate freely like visitors to an installation, accessing multiple points of view
  • ... on the theme of the relationship to time, memory and space. An allegory of the multiple transformations of bodies invaded by technology, where the manifold personalities of augmented dancers disrupt their perception of themselves and their body schema. Find...
  • ... the visitor jumps from being an observer to being a protagonist through an effective embodied narrative process. Innovative technologies that allow techniques such as CRISPR bring up again the debate around genetics since it places us in front of new...