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  • ... production. We are hoping to show “Luminous Hands” in the Link if it... interdisciplinary approach to knowledge production. We are hoping to...
  • ... yet unique perspectives shown on the large displays above the... An additional set of objects can be placed next to the models and... a perception of their frames Unknown noises abstracted by distance and... Identity refers to a database that contains, in this case,...
  • parallel -
    ... is, the western border between Canada and the United States. It's...
  • ... at the biological scale however, present several differences... that all organic life can be the outcome of computational... amount of entropy without a known conclusion. The purpose of an...
    ... in a new digital interface that can be visited at... into «sleep» mode, accessing a database of images of ideal skies mixed...
  • Langgpath -
    ... the transfer of files from a database of moving bodies. Files of...
  • ... to become mindfully aware of how meaning is arising and changing... van Berkel); National Gallery of Canada — Red Dice | Des Chiffré;...
  • ... Minor Distance with Daniel Howe (Cotton Goods); and s_straits with...
  • The 'Engine of Engines' is a generative sound & video installation that responds in real-time to network traffic in the local environment. In the Hong Kong debut (see video), sixteen self-contained nodes, each composed of a screen, processing-unit,
  • T-wo.gen
    ... of Desire (p0es1s text Version) How is it that we come to know an ever... suggests that any past context can inform a future context, even if... How is it that we come to know an ever changing world that...