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  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ...ConFIGURING the CAVE is a computer based interactive video installation that assumes a set of technical and pictorial procedures to identify various paradigmatic conjunctions of body and space. The work utilises the CAVE technology stereographic virtual reality...
  • Innovation Forum -
    ... real-time comments from its viewers. The exhibit features real-time ability for visitors to record and playback audio/video comments. After being inspired by a series of interviews from a diverse virtual panel of selected professionals, a museum...
  • ... dark underbelly of digital culture?" The panel discussion: "Videomakers Unite!" was billed as "an open conversation about video art and net culture, media collectives and counter-publics." One of the panelists, internationally renowned media art curator...
  • Collector -
    ... in space. The collector can keep the collected patterns and carry them to other places. The collector 's activity will be video documented. As a result, we will have an archive of smells, their sounds, and the situations in which they were collected.
  • Human Browser -
    ... 2005) EU Constitution Vote (May 29,2005) Some time of available human brain, IIIème Nuit Blanche de Paris (Oct. 2, 2004) The video of the first performance was exhibited in 2004 for “En Parallèle“, Modern Art Museum of the City of Paris. Technical...
  • ...The media art installation Multiverse by Paul Thomas and Kevin Raxworthy is based on research developed from Richard Feynman’s 1979 video lectures where his presentation of diagrams on the blackboard visualises the probability of photons reflecting from the surface of...
  • ... suppliers on a tabletop surface. A computer tracks the motions of these physical objects, and gives the user feedback using video projection from overhead. As the user creates relationships between the various objects on the table, these relationships are...
  • Landscape One -
    ...Four walls of a space are "painted", with video projectors, into a single photo realistic 360º landscape representing a public garden. The space, set in Montreal's Mont-Royal Parc, is being visited by real and virtual characters. If the virtual characters...
  • Windscreen -
    ... turn causes the frame to drop in parts, and makes him visible to the rest of the audience. This is related to what happens in a video camera , and is also reminiscent of the numerous motion tracking, “body shadow” projects that are a familiar sight in media...
  • Videoschwelle -
    Video installation in public space In the context of the project Freizone Dorotheergasse (Wiener Festwochen and Galerie Metropol), Vienna (AT) In co-production with Gudrun Bielz The work 'Videoschwelle' was conceptualized as part of an exhibition in public space, at...