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  • sens:less -
    ... virtual world the creatures live in is a constantly changing network structure based on realtime data derived from a World Wide Web...
  • ... multisensorial, full duplex sensory interface the installation networks the human with an emotional, sensing and artificially... installation networks the human with an emotional, sensing and artificially intelligent creature; it mates man with a machine turned...
  • erotogod -
    ... the New Testament and the Koran. (source: Erotogod is a media art project that generates new stories of creation. The project elaborates on the sensual dimension of aesthetics by...
  • the leap -
    ... four parts are tied together as a whole through a computer network. The parts stand in a dynamic relation to each other, i.e.... installation which uses true-time media in order to artistically reinterpret and re-structure one of the most central...
  • ...eveloped a set of four interactive, room-based exhibits for the 'Planets and Beyond' area at the GSC: - Discover the Stars: Visitors...
  • p53 -
    ... Hammered into granite the sculpture portrays the entire genetic sequence of the human suicide gene p53. The gene is exposed in a... p53 is a manifestation of how media have changed pre-digital art. Where traditional sculpture before made superficial depictions of...
  • Pixelpark Interactive Environments created the Mercedes-Benz Info Designer for the Auto Salon Paris 2000 and made this special service an interactive, customer-friendly experience. In just a few steps users can obtain an overall picture of all
  • ...This electronic game was developed for a big company's birthday party (ABB). There were twenty teams, each equipped with such a game...
  • Haptic Opposition -
    ... state of the machine changes over time and depending on the particular movements. This leads to opposing forces against the user....
  • This immersive audio environment explores how humans react to commands imposed by a machine generating its acoustic stimuli on the basis of tracked body movement. In this environment, different states of human and machine action are understood as a