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  • TextArc
    ... seen because the tiny lines retain their formatting. Frequently used words stand out from...
  • ... in a plane. It is a reduction of a large-format (42" x 43") paper print. The map was...
  • MELT -
    ... In function of the direction and force of your steps and the weight of your body,...
  • ... this same image as eerie figures in the foreground and background that move between trees,...
  • ...This forkbomb is a kind of poetic virus. If its visually attractive line of only thirteen characters is...
  • ... Certainly, a gesture is a way for emphasizing communication. A pioneer of...
  • ... of the gallery in which the computer is housed. It is also possible to depart this space...
  • Advent -
    ... shoreline of a mythic river and takes the form of a fictional personal diary. At the heart...
  • Heliotrope -
    ... the extreme north African sun as a symbol for the futility of any attempt to interpret and...
  • ... is a crowd sourced, wild growth forest-to-rainforest propagator that creates a...