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  • ... the screen and move according to their actions. They can also communicate by voice. Basically, the system controls the progress of...
  • In front of the Memory Void in the Jewish Museum Berlin, there is a seven-armed candelabrum - the installation Menora by the artist Michael Bielicky. Instead of flames, seven monitors, on which fire signals flicker, crown the candelabrum. The signal
  • Exodus
    ... "The Spiral," a video installation which examines historical communication methods. It's an unusual and provocative use of the...
  • Delvaux's Dream -
    ...Paul Delvaux's paintings belong to a completely different art world to Lissitzky's Prouns : in the early twenties, when the Russian...
  • ... side, they start to exchange information, and their displays come to life. The displayed light pattern symbolizes information...
    The code of this Java-applet describes the movement of a red polygon. There are two modes: Whenever the viewer clicks on the screen, the polygon is attracted to the mouse pointer and forms a flexible circular drop that can be dragged around the
  • Pixelwelle
    ...The Pixel Wave welcomes visitors in the Pixelpark Berlin lobby. The peppier somebody walks along the four-meter-long virtual wave, the more it...
  • Sakrileg -
    ... falling down. Two light barriers are detecting if the ball comes to close to the surface's edges and drive the motor...
  • Woolford: Cyber Sex. -
    This was the first piece examining the possibilities of haptical sensations transmitted through ISDN-connections. An archaic piece of extreme media and meanwhile a classic. (
  • cyberSM -
    ... attempt to create a real time, visual, auditory, and tactile communication in the world of cyberspace. In the first cyberSM...