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  • ... by the entrance. In this manner these texts accompany the... ZKM. 3. Along the pathway leading from the main road to...
  • ... the ZKM Karlsruhe, Lancaster University, Manchester... Lancaster University, Manchester University and the... is characterised by pathways that provide a topography of...
  • ... in a seemingly organic manner. © Jeffrey Shaw
  • ... in PLACE-a user’s manual (1995), which is a motorised...
  • ... the nine floors, and by manipulating the touch screen the... being shown on the way. When arriving at any given...
  • ... images of ceilings of many of the most spectacular... buildings, private homes and nightclubs. It...
  • DREAMS REWIRED traces the desires and anxieties of today’s hyper-connected world back more than a hundred years, when telephone, film and television were new. As revolutionary then as contemporary social media is today, early electric media sparked
  • SMART CITY ABC aims to decode a territory that has produced a specialist vocabulary, in order to promote acessibility to the debate. The vision of the ‘Smart City’ was introduced by some of the largest tech corporations to address population growth,
  • Kayak Libre -
    ... service along the waterways. The fare is a conversation....
  • Faceless -
    ... addition to a 50 minute manifesto-driven fiction film, a...