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  • PingPongPlus -
    PingPongPlus is a digitally enhanced version of the classic ping-pong game. It is played with ordinary, un-tethered paddles and balls, and features a "reactive table" that incorporates sensing, sound, and projection technologies. Projectors display
  • Thalamus -
    'Thalamus' is a simple user led environment designed for DATA projection into a gallery space where the user navigates the work with a mouse or slider set on a plinth placed squarely infront of the projection. The piece uses a metronome scale as a
  • Triggerhappy -
    Triggerhappy is a gallery installation whose format will be familiar to anyone who has encountered that early arcade game, Space Invaders combining an absurd quest for information with an old-fashioned shoot-em-up computer game. In this, it
  • Ambient Fixtures -
    This project explores the use of physical fixtures and objects to display temporal information within an architectural space in a subtle and aesthetically pleasing way. Ambient Fixtures present and communicate information through their changes in
  • The I/O Bulb and the Luminous Room are the two central ideas in a project whose goal is the pervasive transformation of architectural space, so that every surface is rendered capable of displaying and collecting visual information. An I/O Bulb
  • Triangles -
    This project explores the creation and use of a physical/digital construction kit. Triangles is a physical computer interface in the form of a construction kit of identical, flat, plastic triangles. The triangles connect together both physically and
  • Speaking in tongues -
    Speaking in Tongues is a gallery based environment examining Our relationship with narrative and dataflow invisibly coursing through our environment all the time space where all manner of wireless transmission augments our Spheres of Influence while
  • PSyBench -
    PSyBench is a general platform for creating distributed Tangible Interfaces for collaborative design. Objects on an augmented tabletop are physically synchronized with identical objects on a remote table, allowing distant users to cooperatively
  • 'LPDT2 : The Second Life of La Plissure du Texte' is the Second Life® incarnation of Roy Ascott's groundbreaking new media art work La Plissure du Texte ('The Pleating of the Text'), created in 1983 and exhibited at the Musee de l'Art Moderne de la
  • The Giver of Names is quite simply, a computer system that gives objects names. The installation includes an empty pedestal, a video camera, a computer system and a small video projection. The camera observes the top of the pedestal. The