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  • ... die) fachsprachlich auch: LascauxArtist: Peter WeibelComment:
  • ...In face-to-face communication, the occasional need for intentional lies is something with which everyone can identify. In short, to abide by...
  • ... on the orgol object means stuff notation. The participant can compose a melody freely by arranging magnet with red LED that mean. ...
  • Neuro Baby -
    ... uses sophisticated neural-network programming to create a computer graphic entity that responds to the emotional tones of...
  • ...Neuro-Baby is a communication tool with its own personality and character. Through emotional modeling, it reacts to changing voices, handshake...
  • Stanze -
    ..."Stanze" is composed by a video-camera and a back-projected screen located in a void room. The camera is located at the top center of the...
  • ... For example, joy (happiness, satisfaction, enjoyment, comfort, smile) was extrapolated from an exciting, vigorous voice that...
  • Interactive Poem MUSE - poem" is a new type of poem that is created by a participant and a computer agent collaborating in a poetic world full of inspiration,...
  • ... the screen and move according to their actions. They can also communicate by voice. Basically, the system controls the progress of...
  • In front of the Memory Void in the Jewish Museum Berlin, there is a seven-armed candelabrum - the installation Menora by the artist Michael Bielicky. Instead of flames, seven monitors, on which fire signals flicker, crown the candelabrum. The signal