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  • Biota -
    ... working together. Sea sponges are ancient forms of life, arising hundreds of millions of...
  • Expanded Self -
    ... It consists of a unique mixture of life forms on Sonja Bäumel's body on a certain day, in...
  • ... Biological and Digital computing, in the forms of Slime Mold and 3D printed architectures....
  • ... minerals and stones : their various forms are forged by time, broken, polished,...
  • Aunt Sally
    ... converted in surrealist musical forms.
  • ... space out of approximately 1080 possible forms. In the real space users additionally...
  • ... in a plane. It is a reduction of a large-format (42" x 43") paper print. The map was...
  • TextArc
    ... seen because the tiny lines retain their formatting. Frequently used words stand out from...
  • ... a section of the Berlin Wall in its former complexity. A digital reconstruction of a...
  • ... brings the two actors back to their ‘hood. The format is an hommage to Magritte’s “Golconde.”