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  • ... system. It re-thinks its own notion of home in the process of procreating neoteric and wandering learning habitats. The technological capacities of the cyborg pose no threat to the spiritual aspect of the feminine, on the contrary, they enhance the...
  • ... It offers a current and ongoing reflection on behaviours and concepts arising from the relationship between mankind and technology, and its impact on aesthetics, culture, and society.
  • ... taken a different route. It has been reformed by the wandering quality of the Internet. Through virtual, vegetal and noetic technologies, wandering is spreading to the unregulated field of consciousness where the alien, mystic and visionary transmute with...
  • INTERMITTENT - video
    ... is controlled by a dynamical system in the background.. The motion pattern of this particular dynamics is called Intermittency, a technical term from the field of nonlinear dynamics research. Intermittency means “in between” or “interruption”. The movement...
  • ... and religion, which enables also the restoration of fragments of lost cultures. BNW (Biological NetWork) is a series of technology-based works at the center of the research and the exhibition on display on the top floor. Following studies that have...
  • Mirrors of the Unseen -
    ... Regional hospital Hohenems (A), competition The work 'Mirrors of the Unseen' for the regional hospital Hohenems deals with technically generated images, with questions of translatability and the interpretation of information. The motifs are spread over...
  • ... need to reexamine their corporeal reality within a new, hybrid space and explore the environment slowly, step by step. The technological aspects of the installation are reduced to an absolute minimum to underline the ephemeral and virtual character of the...
  • ... — the way a human gave life to Eve Clone is similar to how humans have created artificial intelligence or artificial life technologies. Numerous Eve Clone bodies are arranged in curved projections. The bodies, beginning with sketches, computer grids, and...
  • ... are projected throughout the entire exhibition space, which was made possible by the use of mesh wrapping and perspective technology for digital images. Videos featuring large, bold fonts slowly flow outwards, gradually expanding, and then they start to...
  • ... of Eve Clone II” is an advanced project that attempts to imitate human facial expressions and emotions, re-presenting how technology possesses the desire to create artificial life and an artificial intelligence with emotions. Exhibitions 2020 “Revelation of...