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  • ... a dystopian vision addressing issues of... emotional states of the performer: relaxation,...
  • ... rhizomes are some of the themes explored in this...
  • me & u -
    ... will influence how the character gazes back,... New media, in addition to theories of... gaze that reacts to the viewer's proximity. The...
  • ... animate the powerful iconography of worldwide... to animate the powerful iconography of...
  • ... installed in the entrance lobby of the F....
  • Primitive
    ... an output format, show their perfect,... draw focus on the iconical aspect of the... tives, whose components include the platonic solids, function...
    MUSEALL (prononcer « Musée All », nom alt. : ARTGATE… nom de code) Dispositif Educatif Muséographique Artistique Numérique et Documentaire (DEMAND) Aucun musée ne donne accès à la totalité des collections des autres Musées. Les petites municipalités
  • ... each city- source however, the sound becomes... perspective on the understanding of world...
  • ... each city- source however, the sound becomes... perspective on the understanding of world...
  • QUARXS 90S
    ... “POST PiXEL.” showcased works of new media and... At the beginning of the 90s, Quarxs was the very first 3D...