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  • ... the software begins its process by positioning a set of images,...
  • Refraction
    ... form, the lenticular medium, a process in which two or more images can...
  • We are Stardust -
    ... Approach to the Creative Processing of Video Signals”. The...
  • ... by which to discuss how to process such images which he referred...
  • Campos | Temporales -
    ... composition share algorithmic processes and data structures, both...
  • Geomart-ut24 -
    ... results of an intuitive process that emerges with different...
  • Source of Energy -
    ... to a jar with SCOBY that is in process of producing Kombucha. Jar is...
  • untouched
    ... and glitch as an intimate process and extremely personal journey...
  • it feels like home -
    ... becoming a performative process that continuously produces...
  • I Have a Wish -
    ... and how will it unfold? This process of anticipating the future is...