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  • ... 10 AM and 2 PM to minimize lighting discrepancies. The camera car...
  • Territorism II -
    Dynamic video projection 'Territorism II' was conceived in 2005 as an indoor...
    ... circularly arranged dynamic system that translates tactile...
    ... the courtyard there are large windows belonging to a former workshop.... the courtyard there are large windows belonging to a former workshop....
  • ... include AntiMafia, a Windows-based program for the... include AntiMafia, a Windows-based program for the...
  • ... entire complex and a real-time dynamic scan of the exhibition space...
  • ... an understanding of some of the dynamic properties of the supply chain....
  • ... support with specific lighting, project shadows that create...
  • ZHONG -
    ... a world driven by the dynamic created through opposite...
  • Architext - video
    ... a transition from the highway lighting into the cultural discourse...