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  • ...This was an improvisation performance with digital projections and live video, with script written by Esteban Ulrich. The software Moldeo was used to generate the real-time visuals, and I contributed with some of the programming. It took place at the Centro Cultural...
  • Territorism II -
    ...Dynamic video projection 'Territorism II' was conceived in 2005 as an indoor version of the video projection 'Territorism' at the Kunsthaus Bregenz (2002). It was shown for the first time as part of the exhibition In the line of flight in the China Millenium Museum in...
  • Koffer - video
    ...Video sculpture English title, [Suitcase, 1993] A video is projected into a suitcase. The source image is the well-known photo depicting Anna and Sigmund Freud in 1938, looking out of a train window on the occasion of their emigration. Layerings, blurring and...
  • Heaven -
    ...An interactive digital video projection environment 1 interactive video projection, colour, silent 12 x 12 x 18 metres This video projection was done onto the ceiling of the Dominakanerkirch (Dominican Cathedral) in Osnabruck, 18 metres above the heads of the...
  • ... sound content are brought together to create an emotional psycho-physical reaction in the viewer as he interacts with the video. Nine short video pictures (video self-portraits) are presented within the Planet Mar main video base. They are the nine...
  • ... film that may provide a multifaceted interpretation of Rousseau's concepts on perception and learning. Forty-eight video sequences are combined with excerpts from Rousseau's existing works. The video images are taken from real-life locations...
  • An Ascent, 7,08’ By mixing colourful abstract light patterns and fragments of figurative reality the video aims to visualize a kind of inner psychological landscape, where words, thoughts, memories, emotions and desires combine and coexist in a highly fluid, intuitive way....
  • "Touch me"
    ...The work "Touch me" of Alba D'Urbano from 1995 is an interactive digital video installation where a monitor with touch screen, a video camera and a computer are mounted on a platform. The monitor with the touch screen is visible for the visitors at eyelevel and it is...
  • ...The Visible Genome Project is an interactive installation using two video touch screens and two high resolution video projections with two computers. On each touch screen is visible an array of the letters A, C, G and T, making up the base elements that compose DNA and...
  • ...Documentation Video for Ken Rinaldo and Amy Young's "Farm Fountain" Sculpture. Video editing by