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  • As global water levels and temperatures rise, plants and animals are mutating to adapt. Strange new creatures are arising at the interstices between plant and animal, questioning and transgressing the boundaries of what is considered to be reactive
  • Goldsegen
    Participatory Augmented Reality Public Art Project. "Goldsegen (Golden Blessings)" - How much do you need to be happy? This project engages and questions the mechanisms of consumption and their promises of happiness. The artist posed the question
  • ...The digital collages (3 shown here by Tamiko Thiel, and 3 others by Teresa Reuter/Sabe Wunsch) show scenographies of the Berlin Wall that are...
  • The Golden Seed is a single-channel video, a moving votive image that celebrates the cycles of fertility: birth, death, regeneration. In its installation form: A dark passage leads into the underworld. In a low cave, light streams from a votive
  • ...Digital prints. Magical metamorphoses of the past are the genetic experiments of today ... as technology gives us powers earlier reserved for...
  • Starbright World -
    ... hospital routine. Commissioned by the Starbright Foundation, Tamiko Thiel's team worked with Starbright chairman, filmmaker Steven...
  • A performance for cello, grand piano, soprano saxophone, surveillance cameras, live video mixing and projection. Two instruments accompany a silent movie. Hey, it's a living. But slowly they realize that not only are they reacting to the image.
  • To create this 5-channel video sculpture the artist searched for abstract forms and movements of the human body that trigger powerful associations with the processes of life and death, transforming images of "innocent" body parts into fetishistic
  • Multi-media found object and audio installation. The handsome young god Amor comes only at night under the cover of darkness to lie with his mortal wife, Psyche. To protect her from the wrath of his jealous mother Venus he has Psyche and her family
  • Pictures
    "In 1988, after completing the "Mobiles" series, Waliczky made a five minute computer animation which he called PICTURES. Based on a set of digitally manipulated snapshots from a family photo album, the work is like a slide show in virtual form: