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  • ... alpha plane fires. Floating XYZ coordinates axis and eventual camera deep shaking through modification of rotation and XYZ axis...
  • Telematic Séance -
    ... table, covered with a chroma key blue table cloth. A video camera will be situated directly above me, looking down at the table...
  • Data Murmur - video
    ... of HTML code twice. First on the left of the split screen the camera maintains its distance allowing the bard to enact the poem, his...
  • Subtitled Public -
    ... exhibition space where visitors are detected by a computerised surveillance system. When people enter the space, the system generates...
  • Wavefunction -
    ... space. When someone approaches the work, a computerised surveillance system detects their presence and the closest chairs...
  • Figure -
    ... elements. Spectators are photographed with the thermal camera, which registers both the warmth and movement of the body. The...
  • ... is even now beautiful picturedance of the corpseshots (the camera is moved) a dancer (static camera work) life dance- you dance...
  • Deep Contact -
    ... become virtual connections between the viewer and the image.A surveillance camera was programmed to be switched "on" when a... connections between the viewer and the image.A surveillance camera was programmed to be switched "on" when a cameraman's...
  • Dust -
    ...The work “Dust” bind generative HD video projection with kinetic camera. Since some months I am collecting dust particles on a pice of black...
  • Wild -
    ... of objects within the local environment of the work. A video camera pointed at the viewers of the work and the local environment...