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  • ... various fruits, which makes an association... installation, an interactive format similar to...
  • ... (joystick), which is on a column in... It introduces the form of an artwork where...
  • ... space, which is constructed out... real and virtual formations. The...
  • conFIGURING the Cave -
    ... uncover its eyes, which causes the... puppet that is formed like the prosaic...
  • Octopus -
    ... was made for the start of activities by de... arge inflatable structure in form of an octopus was...
  • Artificial Landscapes -
    ... a few of which were actually... projects in the form of a series of...
  • ... image is shown for only a few frames,...
  • ... in this period which explored various... Emergences of Continuous Forms was one of a series of...
  • Book Plumbing -
    ... ways, a material which John Latham was... of plastic tubing forced each consecutive...
  • MovieMovie - video
    ... architecture which in turn modulated... specially created for the Experimental Film...