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  • Sympathetic Sentience -
    ...Sympathetic Sentience Is an interactive sound installation which generates complex patterns of rhythmic...
  • ... physically and in 3D into this image and sound information streamed "live" from the...
  • Mori -
    ... display and immersive low-frequency sounds, which echo the unpredictable fluctuations...
  • Data Dentata -
    ... installation borrows from this and other sources. In the contemporary world of...
  • ... between people and objects. This may sound very simplistic, but it is about the space...
  • ... destroy. The world of polygons and sounds is created and constantly changed by the...
  • The Trace - video
    ... space. The piece consists of vectors, sounds and graphics that respond to the movement...
  • ... leaves behind. In every place there is a soundscape created by Jean-Baptiste Barrière, who...
  • The Blue Station -
    ... dedicated to creation. Interactive, sound lighting and up 200 plas m a screens will...
  • ... she has downloaded her personality. (source: J. Prophet,...