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Relational Architecture 3 RE:Positioning Fear was the third relational architecture project. A large scale installation on the Landeszeughaus military arsenal with a teleabsence interface of projected shadows of passers-by. Using tracking
"Life SpaciesII" was originally developed for the ICC InterCommunication Museum in Tokyo as part of the museum's permanent collection. It is an artificial life environment where remotely located visitors on the Internet and the on-site visitors
The Lake -A site-specific installation, and early data artwork using live real-time biological data. The Lake questions how data abstracts life and our environment, and how we use technology to connect with living things. Installed by the lakeside at Tingrith
Maria Hernandez was a Bushwick activist murdered for her fight to free the area of drug use. In 1989 Bushwick Park was renamed “Maria Hernandez Park” to commemorate her memory, but the artist could not find any image of her on the Internet. This
DualTerm explores our contemporary experience of the global airport. Visitors to Toronto's Pearson Airport's Terminal One come upon a sculptural shape with five embedded plasma screen monitors. On the left most monitor, a computer generated 3-D
A site-specific project for a media facade in Sao Paulo, Brazil, for the 2014 SP_Urban Festival. Together with Moritz Stefaner and Jay Chow. The project develops further the ideas from Selfiecity published early in 2014. For SelfieSaoPaulo,
Guardian Angel is a fictitious corporation that offers a broad range of highly personalized services in exchange for extreme personal surveillance. The installation is made up of three elements: a video projection of a live, fairly invasive video
An augmented reality installation on the fragility of human vision. Inspired by palinopsia, a rare visual disorder, these two site-specific artworks disrupt the field of vision when viewed through a smartphone, causing London’s tallest building The
The pinwheels project continues the study of Ambient Fixtures to communicate digital information at the periphery of human perception through ambient media. This project takes fields of pinwheels and explores what arrangements create interfaces that
A hybrid form of landscape cinema capturing the year of an unnamed hollow way that forms the stream bed for several springs in a remote area of rural mid-Devon, Britain. Made in collaboration with the cinematographer and sound recordist Stuart