Archive Search

  • Art-ID/Cyb-ID -
    ... to selected keywords within an online matrix, a cogent overview of the...
    ... images are taken from a common online service that shows street views...
  • ... different authors, spreading online misquotations as a form of...
  • Memopol I
    ... storing citizen information online and making it accessible to...
  • ...“falling asleep” is an online interactive and performative virtual self-portrait,...
  • ... owned by inhabitants in the online world Second Life. The objects have...
  • Little Sister -
    ... sequences, based on over twenty online links to webcams worldwide,...
  • Bodies INCorporated -
    ... The main elements of the online site are three constructed...
  • mediaBlocks -
    ... transport, and manipulation of online media. mediaBlocks interface...
  • Arcs21 -
    ...Continuing in the tradition of free online distribution of netart in the 90s,...